
Write Great Resumes Faster - $14
40+page special report; delivered electronically. Make more money with less work! Ideas and resources compiled from professional resume writers to write better and write faster! How to develop the "write faster" mentality. Using technology to write more efficiently. Tips for overcoming the blank page. Plus -- Quick Reference Guides (action verbs, personality traits, profile descriptions, section headers, keywords, and more!)


UPDATED! Making Money as a Resume Subcontractor - $20
40+-page report; delivered electronically. Pros & cons of subcontracting. Profiles of subcontractors and contracting firms. Turnaround times and work volume. Requirements for subcontracting. Words of wisdom from experienced subcontractors. Compiled listing of firms offering subcontracting opportunities.


Best of Conferences Report (2000-02) - $14
60-page report; delivered electronically. Contains summaries of the sessions from the 2000 PARW Conference in Toronto, the 2001 NRWA Conference in San Antonio, the 2001 PARW Conference in St. Petersburg, the 2002 CMI Conference in San Diego, and two career-related sessions from the 2002 AJST conference in Orlando. Great information on marketing, pricing your services, add-on services, sales techqniues, and great resume writing tips from Jan Melnik, Louise Kursmark, Wendy Enelow, Susan Britton Whitcomb, and more.


Resume Writers' Digest (Fall 2008) - $3
9 pages; delivered electronically. The cover story is by Wendy J. Terwelp and it focuses on social networking. There's also a great article by Sari Neudorf about using DISC profiles to write better resumes -- you can find it in the Resume Writer's University section (beginning on page 6).


Resume Writers' Digest (July/August 2008) - $3
12 pages; delivered electronically. Focus of this issue is on marketing your services during a down economy. There's also a great article by Jane Roqueplot in the Resume Writer's University section (beginning on page 9) about the practical applications of DISC profiling in resume writing.


Resume Writers' Digest (May/June 2008) - $3
16 pages; delivered electronically. If you participated in our Industry Conference survey, you'll be interested in reading the results -- the article starts on page 10. Also, don't miss the article on page 12 about a brand-new contest being offered by Careers Directors International. Are you "The Best Resume Writer in the World"? Find out how you could earn that title.


Resume Writers' Digest (March/April 2008) - $3
14 pages; delivered electronically. If you participated in our Subcontracting Survey, you'll be interested in reading the results -- the article starts on page 5. Also, check out The Back Page, which features the March 2008 topics from the Resume Writers' Digest Blog.


Resume Writers' Digest (Jan./Feb. 2008) - $3
12 pages; delivered electronically. This issue features a cover story with the results of our Resume Writers' Digest 2007 Industry survey. The Resume Writer's University article is designed to help you explain "Resume Tense" to your clients and Joan Stewart shares her "Top 10 Tips for Free Publicity" in her Publicity Hound column. There's also an article on "Making a Pitch to Subcontracting Firms."


Resume Writers' Digest (Nov./Dec. 2007) - $3
16 pages; delivered electronically. Features a cover story on resume writing certifications. The Resume Writer's University article is a review of the book "Competency-Based Resumes," and Robert Middleton talks about "Marketing Without Marketing" in his Action Plan column. There's also an interview with Norine Dagliano on how public speaking can build your resume business and help you generate new revenue.


Resume Writers' Digest (Sept./Oct. 2007) - $3
16 pages; delivered electronically. Features articles on Using Keywords Correctly in Resumes, The Top 30 Keywords Recruiters Use, How to Get More Exposure for Free on Google, a Multi-Association Calendar of Events, a Resume Writer's University article on "Positioning, Rating, and Elevating the Resumes You Write," a Publicity Hound article by Joan Stewart, an in-depth examination of the "Get Hired Now" license program, and a new feature, "The Back Page," featuring excerpts from the Resume Writers Digest blog.